Can everybody chill?Like can the world just chill and started to understand people feelings.
I know you just giving your opinion to the world and it may cause a lot of people to offend by your opinions like can you not including hating part?because you can't fucking judge someone on what they were doing.
There's some ignorant people who doesn't know 5sos was covering green day so you just have to chill like I know who green day was before 5sos.I know who the fuck is my chemical romance, fall out boy, panic! at the disco and other pop punk bands.I even know who blink-182 is.
The point here is - i know this little post can't change the whole entire world and it's normal to receive a hate mail or hate comments stuff- There are some people who are idiots leaving ignorant comments and there are genius like us guys.You have to think about this stuff.
You can't just freaking post your opinion -that is really offending- on the internet.The fangirls will defense the fuck out of them and you will lose.Can we all just chill and giving each other opinions without even getting mad and offended.
I know there are some literally sensitive dumbass who thought 'hey i should really start a fight with him on the internet just because he disses my favorite bands' and that's not a good idea.
Can we all just receive some polite opinions about something and don't be such a bitch about it.Can we just talk normally without the feeling anger or offended.
You can't just dragged the people into the music that you like.They have their own opinions and you can't make them like what you like.No, it doesn't matter in the whole motherfreaking universe if you fought with someone over the internet with caps lock on.
I know people are entitle to their own opinion and we can't bashed somebody over them but sometimes they are just wrong.There are some people in this world are fucking retards and sometimes you can't judge the whole fanbase by seeing a few ignorant fans.
This is stupid, judging people I mean like I do it all the time in my head of course and I didn't tell anyone.Maybe I just judge someone without knowing something about them and that's ignorant.For real though, I hate ignorant people and I hate the world because of them.
Not only I hate myself but I hate on god's creation.Why?Because life is just pain in the ass and imagine if someone just fucking created you and they don't know why and then they let you live.Then, you think what's the point of my living?Am I just a fucking mistake?Am I just a fucking idea?(that's a mcr pun)
Of course you have to enjoy your life and look at the brightside blah blah blah all of that but do you ever feel like you're wasting your life being carefree like I know that's a good thing and maybe I just being a fucking dick to the world or you guys.This is so dumb.
I should just stop.This is annoying and maybe i'm gonna read this post when i'm like 20 and think 'i'm so annoying af back then.Ugh I regret this shit and should delete this post'.I'm 100% that's gonna freaking happen so don't read my blog.It's stupid.
So uhm yeah ily guys to pluto and back.Bye (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ and don't forget to spread the love and not hate yeayyy.
My Life :)
If you don't break, you'll never know how to put yourself back together.
My posts
Thursday, 18 December 2014
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Ranting stuffs
Hey!I'm gonna post this in English because I'm talking this to everyone.Okay just hear me okay.
Please please please don't send hate to anyone.Even though they're a slut or a bitch.Just please listen to me.People have feeling too even the homeless and a bully.I'm not saying that Bullying is a good thing.I'm just saying that EVERYBODY HAVE FEELINGS OKAY.People always say that 5sos is just copying one direction and stuff and lemme tell you one thing.
They're not a freaking boyband.They're not copying one direction and Luke is not the only one hot in that band.I write this bc I just cry reading all those hates about the people who saved my life.What are their problems mate?They started tour with 1D bc 1D chose them and they can do nothing about it.5SOS is not the one who wants fucking attention from the directioners.Many people said that 5SOS steals a lot of directioners.Well.That's PEOPLE.They keep moving to one and another one too fast.They only said that they gonna be a directioner 'forever'.
But they don't.Don't you fucking see here?THIS IS WHAT WE CALLED HUMAN BEING.Sometimes 'forever' can be a week or a month.This is why I hate people.They don't have any respect and shit.They just said something before even think about it.Just give them some respect.They don't even kill your parents.You're just keep messing with them.You're the one who starts the fight.Same with Larry and Elounor shipper.
People are rude to each other can't you see?Larry shipper said that eleanor is a beard but after all she's just a model and she's beautiful.Elounor shippers said that Larry is just a bromance.The truth is none of them a true.They just feel like they're a perfect otp and stuff that's why.We started a fight because someone just fucking said a fucking bullshit theory and everybody believes them and blah blah blah then there's a new bullshit theory said by an idiot who don't know what life is and some people believes them and the other theory said that the another theory is against them.
You might don't understand what I'm talking about and when you read this you probably make another stupid reasons that I'm wrong.Just don't send hate to people.They have feelings okay.I've never send hate before because I've felt it when you're get called fat and worthless.It hurts okay.Acacia Brinley too.I mean like,ofc people said that she dated so many celebrities and spread rumours and stuff but she's beautiful and pretty.That's why people attracted to her.She post her nudes.So what?
It's not ur problem that she post nudes.or dated couple of celebrities.I mean like c'mon that is stupid,judging people bc they wanna be themselves.Everybody has a dream okay and haters just come into the way aND RUINED THE WHOLE FUCKING CHANCE.Don't you see.People sucks but some people judge them but don't tell anyone.Example like you see this person who is a slut blah blah blah then your friends started to talk about slut she is but you just keep quiet bc you can't judge spread some kind of stupid rumours.
okay one thing,people now they care about how they look and not how they act.THAT's is call stupid.Example,this one guy came into your school and he is ugly but he is kind and sweet.Doesn't that amazing?I mean like my friends likes a singer who is handsome but when I show her 5sos she's like 'ew'.WHAT THE FUCK?!5SOS is freaking talented and awesome also funny.She wants someone with a good face but don't care what their attitude is.I'm like WHAT THE FUCK?! again.She asks me why I like Ashton.I said that he is a talented drummer,funny and kind.and she's like "you're not saying he's handsome?or he is not handsome?".I'm like "The looks are just bonus kay".
And one thing,I saw at FB that a group of people talk about 5SOS and this is.
let me translate it "I wanna say the truth that I hate 5sos...they're like wanna copy one direction style"
Listen here redface.They're not copying 1D.They have their own style.I mean like c'mon 1D don't play drums and Niall is the only one play guitar sometimes on their concert.But that doesn't mean that they're copying 1D.I feel like I wanna flip this table but that would be violent to the table and I don't wanna hurt anything or anything.
And the one of the commenters said that they're not handsome.OFC ppl said that.LAST TIME I SAY.LOOKS ARE NOT FUCKING IMPORTANT OKAY?IT'S ABOUT THEIR VOICES AND TALENTS.WHY CAN'T PPL SEE THAT THEY'RE AMAZING.FUCK THIS WORLD.*sticks out middle finger*.
This is the end of me ranting about people.FUCK MY LIFE.okay stop-calm yourself.*inhale* *exhale*.
Sorry if I'm offend you or anything.I just wanna let this all out from my chest and now I feel alright.Everybody have opinions okay and this is mine.If you wanna protest me or anything just post in the comment below.I will read it :))
Peace off! Adios ;P don't send hate.Ppl have feelings too :)
Please please please don't send hate to anyone.Even though they're a slut or a bitch.Just please listen to me.People have feeling too even the homeless and a bully.I'm not saying that Bullying is a good thing.I'm just saying that EVERYBODY HAVE FEELINGS OKAY.People always say that 5sos is just copying one direction and stuff and lemme tell you one thing.
They're not a freaking boyband.They're not copying one direction and Luke is not the only one hot in that band.I write this bc I just cry reading all those hates about the people who saved my life.What are their problems mate?They started tour with 1D bc 1D chose them and they can do nothing about it.5SOS is not the one who wants fucking attention from the directioners.Many people said that 5SOS steals a lot of directioners.Well.That's PEOPLE.They keep moving to one and another one too fast.They only said that they gonna be a directioner 'forever'.
But they don't.Don't you fucking see here?THIS IS WHAT WE CALLED HUMAN BEING.Sometimes 'forever' can be a week or a month.This is why I hate people.They don't have any respect and shit.They just said something before even think about it.Just give them some respect.They don't even kill your parents.You're just keep messing with them.You're the one who starts the fight.Same with Larry and Elounor shipper.
People are rude to each other can't you see?Larry shipper said that eleanor is a beard but after all she's just a model and she's beautiful.Elounor shippers said that Larry is just a bromance.The truth is none of them a true.They just feel like they're a perfect otp and stuff that's why.We started a fight because someone just fucking said a fucking bullshit theory and everybody believes them and blah blah blah then there's a new bullshit theory said by an idiot who don't know what life is and some people believes them and the other theory said that the another theory is against them.
You might don't understand what I'm talking about and when you read this you probably make another stupid reasons that I'm wrong.Just don't send hate to people.They have feelings okay.I've never send hate before because I've felt it when you're get called fat and worthless.It hurts okay.Acacia Brinley too.I mean like,ofc people said that she dated so many celebrities and spread rumours and stuff but she's beautiful and pretty.That's why people attracted to her.She post her nudes.So what?
It's not ur problem that she post nudes.or dated couple of celebrities.I mean like c'mon that is stupid,judging people bc they wanna be themselves.Everybody has a dream okay and haters just come into the way aND RUINED THE WHOLE FUCKING CHANCE.Don't you see.People sucks but some people judge them but don't tell anyone.Example like you see this person who is a slut blah blah blah then your friends started to talk about slut she is but you just keep quiet bc you can't judge spread some kind of stupid rumours.
okay one thing,people now they care about how they look and not how they act.THAT's is call stupid.Example,this one guy came into your school and he is ugly but he is kind and sweet.Doesn't that amazing?I mean like my friends likes a singer who is handsome but when I show her 5sos she's like 'ew'.WHAT THE FUCK?!5SOS is freaking talented and awesome also funny.She wants someone with a good face but don't care what their attitude is.I'm like WHAT THE FUCK?! again.She asks me why I like Ashton.I said that he is a talented drummer,funny and kind.and she's like "you're not saying he's handsome?or he is not handsome?".I'm like "The looks are just bonus kay".
And one thing,I saw at FB that a group of people talk about 5SOS and this is.
let me translate it "I wanna say the truth that I hate 5sos...they're like wanna copy one direction style"
Listen here redface.They're not copying 1D.They have their own style.I mean like c'mon 1D don't play drums and Niall is the only one play guitar sometimes on their concert.But that doesn't mean that they're copying 1D.I feel like I wanna flip this table but that would be violent to the table and I don't wanna hurt anything or anything.
And the one of the commenters said that they're not handsome.OFC ppl said that.LAST TIME I SAY.LOOKS ARE NOT FUCKING IMPORTANT OKAY?IT'S ABOUT THEIR VOICES AND TALENTS.WHY CAN'T PPL SEE THAT THEY'RE AMAZING.FUCK THIS WORLD.*sticks out middle finger*.
This is the end of me ranting about people.FUCK MY LIFE.okay stop-calm yourself.*inhale* *exhale*.
Sorry if I'm offend you or anything.I just wanna let this all out from my chest and now I feel alright.Everybody have opinions okay and this is mine.If you wanna protest me or anything just post in the comment below.I will read it :))
Peace off! Adios ;P don't send hate.Ppl have feelings too :)
Monday, 28 July 2014
No topic lol
Hai :)
Sorry :P for not posting for a long time about what's recent in my life and I decided to change language for my blog.I can use 2 language which is English and Bahasa Melayu.So if you don't understand either two of the language.It's okay you can ask me on twitter or something like that.My twitter link is down below :D Follow me :D
So may I continue writing my post?
Sye nk cite kt korg ape trjadi lepas post terakhir sye.Meh sye fikir jp.Nk thu x,admin ni pelupa so fhm2 jelah.Hari ni admin ade peperiksaan percubaan UPSR.Die punye soalan tu bolehlh.Cam ade yg susah atau sng.Admin punye target ialah sekurg2nya dpt 4a 1b.Tu pun dh ckup dh :) Admin nk msuk asrama,tpi mak admin x bgi.Kne msuk sekolah menengah jgak.Hrp2 sek menengah tu okay skit dri sek rendah sbb admin ni ade beberapa masalah yg korg mungkin x fhm.
Lgi 6 hri nk raye.Admin sebenarnye rse yg raya thun ni mcm x meriah sbb Gaza kene attack,MH17 kene bom ngn Germany mng.Sorry germany fans,admin bkan seorg penyokong Germany.Marah ke?Admin x tngok sngat bola tpi mcm mne nk buat kalau ade 4 lelaki yg suke tngok bola tinggal serumah.Terpaksa lh tngok sekali,selain main laptop.Nnti kang klau main laptop,org ejek anti-social lh sume.Rmai org ejek admin bnyak bende.Aq pun x thu nk buat cm ne.
Admin sebenarnye bosan jdi admin tulis lh post baru.Admin pun x thu lh yg nk cerita ape kt korg semua.Nk cerita psl 5SOS nnti kang menyampah.Hmmm,admin ni bkannye ade rmai sngt kwn pun,ade beberape je.Ye admin ni mmg alone.Tpi buat ape nk ade kwn bnyak2?1 pun dh ckup,yg mmg kita boleh percaya.1 yg setia lebih baik dripada rmai yg khianat.Admin dh bnyak lalui bnde yg pahit.SNGAT PAHIT.Okay stop,Tngh puasa ni.Breath in breath out.
Admin x de pape nk bgithu jdi admin terfikir nk bgithu fakta2 about admin nih.Tak thulah knape admin terfikir bnde tu.
1.Admin ni suke Matematik tpi asyik dpt B.Pelikkan?
2.Admin sebnarnye kidal,tpi admin dh biase gune tngn knn.
3.Admin ni suke lgu english,mcm Green Day,All Time Low dn mcm2 lh.
4.Admin ni x suke hipster.Kekdg lh sbb enthlh..nmpak cm loser kot?
5.Umairah ni org die bodoh sket.Kekdg kalau x dtg sekolah bgi alasan yg x masuk akal atau pun yg over to the top.
6.Umairah dh bli album baru 5SOS!!ahhhh omg album tu amazing.
7.Game kegemaran admin ialah Resident evil ! BEST GILE TLONGLH MAIN GAME TU
8.Sye ni brung hantu ataupun dikenali sebagai kelawar.Maksunye selalu berjaga pade wktu mlm.Jdi kalau mse periksa tu,bile dh siap,msti admin tertidur.kikiki
9.Pandai tpi bodoh
10.sensitif sket lol
tu jelh kot yg admin bleh describe dri sndiri?ape ape pun selamat berpuasa :)))
Peace off adios~ ^^ My Twitter : @Mazumairah
Sorry :P for not posting for a long time about what's recent in my life and I decided to change language for my blog.I can use 2 language which is English and Bahasa Melayu.So if you don't understand either two of the language.It's okay you can ask me on twitter or something like that.My twitter link is down below :D Follow me :D
So may I continue writing my post?
Sye nk cite kt korg ape trjadi lepas post terakhir sye.Meh sye fikir jp.Nk thu x,admin ni pelupa so fhm2 jelah.Hari ni admin ade peperiksaan percubaan UPSR.Die punye soalan tu bolehlh.Cam ade yg susah atau sng.Admin punye target ialah sekurg2nya dpt 4a 1b.Tu pun dh ckup dh :) Admin nk msuk asrama,tpi mak admin x bgi.Kne msuk sekolah menengah jgak.Hrp2 sek menengah tu okay skit dri sek rendah sbb admin ni ade beberapa masalah yg korg mungkin x fhm.
Lgi 6 hri nk raye.Admin sebenarnye rse yg raya thun ni mcm x meriah sbb Gaza kene attack,MH17 kene bom ngn Germany mng.Sorry germany fans,admin bkan seorg penyokong Germany.Marah ke?Admin x tngok sngat bola tpi mcm mne nk buat kalau ade 4 lelaki yg suke tngok bola tinggal serumah.Terpaksa lh tngok sekali,selain main laptop.Nnti kang klau main laptop,org ejek anti-social lh sume.Rmai org ejek admin bnyak bende.Aq pun x thu nk buat cm ne.
Admin sebenarnye bosan jdi admin tulis lh post baru.Admin pun x thu lh yg nk cerita ape kt korg semua.Nk cerita psl 5SOS nnti kang menyampah.Hmmm,admin ni bkannye ade rmai sngt kwn pun,ade beberape je.Ye admin ni mmg alone.Tpi buat ape nk ade kwn bnyak2?1 pun dh ckup,yg mmg kita boleh percaya.1 yg setia lebih baik dripada rmai yg khianat.Admin dh bnyak lalui bnde yg pahit.SNGAT PAHIT.Okay stop,Tngh puasa ni.Breath in breath out.
Admin x de pape nk bgithu jdi admin terfikir nk bgithu fakta2 about admin nih.Tak thulah knape admin terfikir bnde tu.
1.Admin ni suke Matematik tpi asyik dpt B.Pelikkan?
2.Admin sebnarnye kidal,tpi admin dh biase gune tngn knn.
3.Admin ni suke lgu english,mcm Green Day,All Time Low dn mcm2 lh.
4.Admin ni x suke hipster.Kekdg lh sbb enthlh..nmpak cm loser kot?
5.Umairah ni org die bodoh sket.Kekdg kalau x dtg sekolah bgi alasan yg x masuk akal atau pun yg over to the top.
6.Umairah dh bli album baru 5SOS!!ahhhh omg album tu amazing.
7.Game kegemaran admin ialah Resident evil ! BEST GILE TLONGLH MAIN GAME TU
8.Sye ni brung hantu ataupun dikenali sebagai kelawar.Maksunye selalu berjaga pade wktu mlm.Jdi kalau mse periksa tu,bile dh siap,msti admin tertidur.kikiki
9.Pandai tpi bodoh
10.sensitif sket lol
tu jelh kot yg admin bleh describe dri sndiri?ape ape pun selamat berpuasa :)))
Peace off adios~ ^^ My Twitter : @Mazumairah
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Hai guys!It;s been a while now right?No it's not a sad news but i just thinking that i should make new plans since this is my last year on my elementary..I enjoy elementary actually..I LOVE IT..I DON'T WANNA LEAVE!!I wish i could forever young though :(..anyways Life full of mystery right?
How about we talk about MH370?ahahah you know my country is Malaysia and that's not really embarrassing though.But the embarrassing part is we use a shaman..dude,this is not our plans..It's their plans..I don't know..Maz don't give a shit..That plane is so big and we have to find at one of the oceans..That sucks..Even Australia helped us.Thanks..Many people helped..Yeah..Everyone knows about it..
cHANGE TOPIC!!Okay..This is about my problems..I know you don't wanna hear it but it's okay..I tell this to you is because I wanna make you feel better about your life..I know my life is a failure but everybody's life have a failure..Okay hear..My crush..Not really crush but a crush..IDK..and my boy- friend okay let me short this story..IDK that I wanna tell you this but IDK man!!I just don't know..Let not talk about it..
~Simmer down simmer down thay said we're too young now to amount to anything else,But look around we worked to damn hard for this to give this up now,If you don't swim you'll drown~
In love with LASHTON!
look at this ashton Gif..I died everytime!

I just Deid!~
no ootd today cause I'm lazy as fuck.
Shut up..Look at Luke's picture too!
How about we talk about MH370?ahahah you know my country is Malaysia and that's not really embarrassing though.But the embarrassing part is we use a shaman..dude,this is not our plans..It's their plans..I don't know..Maz don't give a shit..That plane is so big and we have to find at one of the oceans..That sucks..Even Australia helped us.Thanks..Many people helped..Yeah..Everyone knows about it..
cHANGE TOPIC!!Okay..This is about my problems..I know you don't wanna hear it but it's okay..I tell this to you is because I wanna make you feel better about your life..I know my life is a failure but everybody's life have a failure..Okay hear..My crush..Not really crush but a crush..IDK..and my boy- friend okay let me short this story..IDK that I wanna tell you this but IDK man!!I just don't know..Let not talk about it..
~Simmer down simmer down thay said we're too young now to amount to anything else,But look around we worked to damn hard for this to give this up now,If you don't swim you'll drown~
In love with LASHTON!
look at this ashton Gif..I died everytime!

no ootd today cause I'm lazy as fuck.
Shut up..Look at Luke's picture too!
Thursday, 13 February 2014
Hey!!what's up..I just wanna say this is a quick post for you guys..I'm not gonna always update this blog because I'm sick..I have really bad fever..But the best thing is I don't go to school every Monday..How good was that?I have a phobia every Monday and when the thing started I throw up and have a migraine.Welp..I wanna go to school!!!because I have many friends I guess?IDK!Fake friends everywhere!You don't even fucking know..Dammit guys!But 1 thing..I think I have luck this year..I guess...yeahh this year gonna be great!!I love my life!!! "_" jk jk jk...
Apparently,I'm a Malaysian and I heard the Sochi is full of shit...I seeing pictures on 9GAG and that place sure fuck up..The toilets,dogs and cats,the hotel room...Holy shit..
Hahaha I'm just talking about that..Sorry Sochi..No offense anyway..I just wanna say..Thank you so so so much!!You don't have any idea how much ILY guys!!!I don't know man..But I just chnge..Because this is a new year and starts a new life..So I change..Good change..Not bad change..I love school!!way better than home..I live in Malaysia..If you're the same..You understand..Because we don't have abuse,bullies and shit..It's peace and it's just beautiful...Ahhh..I don't have any fucking idea what to write anymore..
Bye!!I guess..See you guys next time!!Love you!!!
sidenote:Don't have ootd pictures because this is my father laptop.
Apparently,I'm a Malaysian and I heard the Sochi is full of shit...I seeing pictures on 9GAG and that place sure fuck up..The toilets,dogs and cats,the hotel room...Holy shit..
Hahaha I'm just talking about that..Sorry Sochi..No offense anyway..I just wanna say..Thank you so so so much!!You don't have any idea how much ILY guys!!!I don't know man..But I just chnge..Because this is a new year and starts a new life..So I change..Good change..Not bad change..I love school!!way better than home..I live in Malaysia..If you're the same..You understand..Because we don't have abuse,bullies and shit..It's peace and it's just beautiful...Ahhh..I don't have any fucking idea what to write anymore..
Bye!!I guess..See you guys next time!!Love you!!!
sidenote:Don't have ootd pictures because this is my father laptop.
Saturday, 18 January 2014
Hello people!!2013 have so much going on and then we have to move on to 2014.So it's like start a new life,forget the past,change and stuff.Although I'm not around too much on this blog much know I'm busy.My brother married and I'm lazy..(Don't judge me)..I just wanna ask 1 question..People it good?..I mean like 'change' is a thing that everyone afraid of or everyone loves to change and I don't even know that's even good or bad.Things going randomly on my 2014.And it's kinda confusing though.
What?My new year resolution?oh.That's hard.I don't have one.or should I have one?I have my resolution everyday.What's up?hahaha..(not funny)..So.My new year resolution is being happy..Try being happy..If I can..I mean like I'm fragile (good grammar there).So am I annoying?I don't care what people thinks about me.Even if it's good or bad..Because I live not to look good on people perspective.I live because I want to know who am I?Why am I even born?what's the point of living?Everyone have the same answer.."It's doesn't matter" or "Don't think about it.Just study!"..Yup..LIFE.
Just wondering.Can you read my new fanfic???I don't make you to read it but if you want to read it..That would be cool & awesome & rad & fantastic!And It's Luke Hemmings fanfic.Don't judge me.
I Hate You!(Luke Hemmings Fanfic by Whocaresanywayshuh)
Just advice here.
1.Don't judge people
2.Be yourself.
3.Do whatever you have to do to be happy.
4.Things you have to move on too.
6.Life is so random.Not the same thing everyday.
7.It's your choice to make your life bad or good.
9.God works in mysterious ways
10.Catch your dreams no matter what happen..If your parents deny it just make them accept it..Cause do whatever you have to do to be happy while you still alive..
11.Don't get FUCK UP.
12.The no.11 is harsh..I'm sorry.
13.Life have many obstacle and stuff..If it don't have one.Life could be boring and normal..Fill with adventure!
14.Failure leads to success.
15.Don't give up..Or I will kill you.(Umairah logic)
16.Smile if you hurt..Laugh if you're sad..Exercise if you're fat..Go to social if you have no friends..Do whatever you have to do to be yourself or happy..
17.Fill your life with amazing things.
18.Don't say "I can't",Say "Bring it on bitch"
19.Boring life is boring..Happy life is happy.. (what's the catch?lol)
20.Follow all these advice..I don't even know what happen so get over it..
Yeah..probably I have the best life in the world..jk..just normal..What's your ambition?Mine physicist..Before I'm being a physicist I wanna be a teacher..Not just a boring teacher or strict or teacher at your school..I wanna be a teacher that understands the students that hate school..I hate school too.But sometimes I love school..School way better than home..Do you know ppl said that parents always right?Yeah my mom just call me useless..Yeah she's right..I think so..I don't really care though..idk..
Since it's new year or I just being a fail that I just realize it's 19 Jan.Things going awkward school and at home...I don't really communicate with my dad..Idk..And I will change the background blog I think cause I don't think can read what I post.I think I wanna be a YouTuber,physicist & teacher..Sounds hard but I think it's okay.
My hands wanna type more but i don't have this is the end of the post.
What?My new year resolution?oh.That's hard.I don't have one.or should I have one?I have my resolution everyday.What's up?hahaha..(not funny)..So.My new year resolution is being happy..Try being happy..If I can..I mean like I'm fragile (good grammar there).So am I annoying?I don't care what people thinks about me.Even if it's good or bad..Because I live not to look good on people perspective.I live because I want to know who am I?Why am I even born?what's the point of living?Everyone have the same answer.."It's doesn't matter" or "Don't think about it.Just study!"..Yup..LIFE.
Just wondering.Can you read my new fanfic???I don't make you to read it but if you want to read it..That would be cool & awesome & rad & fantastic!And It's Luke Hemmings fanfic.Don't judge me.
I Hate You!(Luke Hemmings Fanfic by Whocaresanywayshuh)
Just advice here.
1.Don't judge people
2.Be yourself.
3.Do whatever you have to do to be happy.
4.Things you have to move on too.
6.Life is so random.Not the same thing everyday.
7.It's your choice to make your life bad or good.
9.God works in mysterious ways
10.Catch your dreams no matter what happen..If your parents deny it just make them accept it..Cause do whatever you have to do to be happy while you still alive..
11.Don't get FUCK UP.
12.The no.11 is harsh..I'm sorry.
13.Life have many obstacle and stuff..If it don't have one.Life could be boring and normal..Fill with adventure!
14.Failure leads to success.
15.Don't give up..Or I will kill you.(Umairah logic)
16.Smile if you hurt..Laugh if you're sad..Exercise if you're fat..Go to social if you have no friends..Do whatever you have to do to be yourself or happy..
17.Fill your life with amazing things.
18.Don't say "I can't",Say "Bring it on bitch"
19.Boring life is boring..Happy life is happy.. (what's the catch?lol)
20.Follow all these advice..I don't even know what happen so get over it..
Yeah..probably I have the best life in the world..jk..just normal..What's your ambition?Mine physicist..Before I'm being a physicist I wanna be a teacher..Not just a boring teacher or strict or teacher at your school..I wanna be a teacher that understands the students that hate school..I hate school too.But sometimes I love school..School way better than home..Do you know ppl said that parents always right?Yeah my mom just call me useless..Yeah she's right..I think so..I don't really care though..idk..
Since it's new year or I just being a fail that I just realize it's 19 Jan.Things going awkward school and at home...I don't really communicate with my dad..Idk..And I will change the background blog I think cause I don't think can read what I post.I think I wanna be a YouTuber,physicist & teacher..Sounds hard but I think it's okay.
My hands wanna type more but i don't have this is the end of the post.
Monday, 16 December 2013
#2 advice or rant..
Hello there!What's up!I wondering can this advice be like rant or something..I mean like you know stuff about ppl..hahah don't judge me!..okay....basically I'm in my bed right and got up early and with my hot chocolate..because it's freezing my room with air-conditioner on..But idc I love cold anyways..I plan to give you 4 advice for this month which is every week before 2014 begins..Just some tips and advice for next year..Hey i just wanna share with you guys something..Just in case I know that you guys care about me..*nervous laugh* or I don't have ppl who reads this blog and the 5000+ all the time is me enter and exit this blog all the time...haaahh what a failure..Yeah just wanna tell you all that my best friends just kicked me out of the group like 1 month ago You know that 4 ppl who at my school..And I really sad cry all night remembering them..yeah but i kinda moved on right now..Idk man it's just my memory didn't fade..It's hard..After all the things we did together turned out b4 we even started the group they already hated me..Do you know everyone not perfect..They act like they barely know everything..Did you know that i have feelings too?They judges everything about me..They talk behind me..This is why i hate girls..They judge ppl..and when they hate that 1 person they do not stop talking about them..If you hate this 1 person..don't talk about them or just fuck off from remembering them..Don't revenge..If you revenge..That is such a pain in the ass..Basically if you fight about something or debate about something..if you know that person is wrong and they refuse to listen to you..Just walk away and don't give a flying fuck..Cause if you still continue that can cause shitstorm in that place..Why am I suddenly have cringe attack?Shit,mate..If you don't know what a cringe attack is..
That one moment when you do something normal then you suddenly remembered something bad happen in the past that you already moved on and forget it for a long time..and it will effect your wonderful life and It's hard to get rid of it that you wanna do it again...
Apparently it is..Why my brain and body do this!!Imagine when you doing something happy suddenly you stop and accidentally remember that bad thing you do in the past that you already forget..BRAIN WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME!You know you can't do anything happy after that than sitting in the corner walking backward and forward crying..So what ever you do..Don't ever get into cringe attack..IT'S BAD for Mcflurry McDonald deliciousness sake..haahha that's not funny..okay don't judge me..
Sidenote:If you wanna express something that you don't tell anyone..I can help..just give me DM and I will reply..I can esily reply because no one is DM me..ALONE!so btw this is my twitter : My twitter:)
That one moment when you do something normal then you suddenly remembered something bad happen in the past that you already moved on and forget it for a long time..and it will effect your wonderful life and It's hard to get rid of it that you wanna do it again...
Apparently it is..Why my brain and body do this!!Imagine when you doing something happy suddenly you stop and accidentally remember that bad thing you do in the past that you already forget..BRAIN WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME!You know you can't do anything happy after that than sitting in the corner walking backward and forward crying..So what ever you do..Don't ever get into cringe attack..IT'S BAD for Mcflurry McDonald deliciousness sake..haahha that's not funny..okay don't judge me..
Sidenote:If you wanna express something that you don't tell anyone..I can help..just give me DM and I will reply..I can esily reply because no one is DM me..ALONE!so btw this is my twitter : My twitter:)
I don't know what to say right now so it's beautiful.
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