My posts

Monday, 16 December 2013

#2 advice or rant..

Hello there!What's up!I wondering can this advice be like rant or something..I mean like you know stuff about ppl..hahah don't judge me!..okay....basically I'm in my bed right and got up early and with my hot chocolate..because it's freezing my room with air-conditioner on..But idc I love cold anyways..I plan to give you 4 advice for this month which is every week before 2014 begins..Just some tips and advice for next year..Hey i just wanna share with you guys something..Just in case I know that you guys care about me..*nervous laugh* or I don't have ppl who reads this blog and the 5000+ all the time is me enter and exit this blog all the time...haaahh what a failure..Yeah just wanna tell you all that my best friends just kicked me out of the group like 1 month ago You know that 4 ppl who at my school..And I really sad cry all night remembering them..yeah but i kinda moved on right now..Idk man it's just my memory didn't fade..It's hard..After all the things we did together turned out b4 we even started the group they already hated me..Do you know everyone not perfect..They act like they barely know everything..Did you know that i have feelings too?They judges everything about me..They talk behind me..This is why i hate girls..They judge ppl..and when they hate that 1 person they do not stop talking about them..If you hate this 1 person..don't talk about them or just fuck off from remembering them..Don't revenge..If you revenge..That is such a pain in the ass..Basically if you fight about something or debate about something..if you know that person is wrong and they refuse to listen to you..Just walk away and don't give a flying fuck..Cause if you still continue that can cause shitstorm in that place..Why am I suddenly have cringe attack?Shit,mate..If you don't know what a cringe attack is..


That one moment when you do something normal then you suddenly remembered something bad happen in the past that you already moved on and forget it for a long time..and it will effect your wonderful life and It's hard to get rid of it that you wanna do it again...

Apparently it is..Why my brain and body do this!!Imagine when you doing something happy suddenly you stop and accidentally remember that bad thing you do in the past that you already forget..BRAIN WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME!You know you can't do anything happy after that than sitting in the corner walking backward and forward crying..So what ever you do..Don't ever get into cringe attack..IT'S BAD for Mcflurry McDonald deliciousness sake..haahha that's not funny..okay don't judge me..

Sidenote:If you wanna express something that you don't tell anyone..I can help..just give me DM and I will reply..I can esily reply because no one is DM me..ALONE!so btw this is my twitter : My twitter:)


I don't know what to say right now so it's beautiful.

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